Truncate a Table that Has Foreign Keys in SQL Server

/* borrowed 20150717 by wills - from pszanto at - made @Debug a parameter */ ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_Admin_TruncateNonEmptyTable] @TableToTruncate varchar(64), @Debug bit = 1 AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON -- GLOBAL VARIABLES DECLARE @i int --DECLARE @Debug bit DECLARE @Recycle bit DECLARE @Verbose bit DECLARE @TableName varchar(80) DECLARE @ColumnName varchar(80) DECLARE @ReferencedTableName varchar(80) DECLARE @ReferencedColumnName varchar(80) DECLARE @ConstraintName varchar(250) DECLARE @CreateStatement varchar(max) DECLARE @DropStatement varchar(max) DECLARE @TruncateStatement varchar(max) DECLARE @CreateStatementTemp varchar(max) DECLARE @DropStatementTemp varchar(max) DECLARE @TruncateStatementTemp varchar(max) DECLARE @Statement varchar(max) -- 1 = Will not execute statements --SET @Debug = 0 if @Debug = 1 begin print 'Debug is on, no Truncate will actually occur.' end else if @Debug = 0 begin print 'Debug is on, this is the real deal. Here we go...' end
-- 0 = Will not create or truncate storage table -- 1 = Will create or truncate storage table SET @Recycle = 0 -- 1 = Will print a message on every step set @Verbose = 1 SET @i = 1 SET @CreateStatement = 'ALTER TABLE [dbo].[<tablename>] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [<constraintname>] FOREIGN KEY([<column>]) REFERENCES [dbo].[<reftable>] ([<refcolumn>])' SET @DropStatement = 'ALTER TABLE [dbo].[<tablename>] DROP CONSTRAINT [<constraintname>]' SET @TruncateStatement = 'TRUNCATE TABLE [<tablename>]' -- Drop Temporary tables IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#FKs') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #FKs -- GET FKs SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id), as ID, OBJECT_NAME(constraint_object_id) as ConstraintName, OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) as TableName, as ColumnName, OBJECT_NAME(referenced_object_id) as ReferencedTableName, as ReferencedColumnName INTO #FKs FROM sys.foreign_key_columns fk JOIN sys.columns clm1 ON fk.parent_column_id = clm1.column_id AND fk.parent_object_id = clm1.object_id JOIN sys.columns clm2 ON fk.referenced_column_id = clm2.column_id AND fk.referenced_object_id= clm2.object_id --WHERE OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) not in ('//tables that you do not wont to be truncated') WHERE OBJECT_NAME(referenced_object_id) = @TableToTruncate ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) -- Prepare Storage Table IF Not EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Internal_FK_Definition_Storage') BEGIN IF @Verbose = 1 PRINT '1. Creating Process Specific Tables...' -- CREATE STORAGE TABLE IF IT DOES NOT EXISTS CREATE TABLE [Internal_FK_Definition_Storage] ( ID int not null identity(1,1) primary key, FK_Name varchar(250) not null, FK_CreationStatement varchar(max) not null, FK_DestructionStatement varchar(max) not null, Table_TruncationStatement varchar(max) not null ) END ELSE BEGIN IF @Recycle = 0 BEGIN IF @Verbose = 1 PRINT '1. Truncating Process Specific Tables...' -- TRUNCATE TABLE IF IT ALREADY EXISTS TRUNCATE TABLE [Internal_FK_Definition_Storage] END ELSE PRINT '1. Process specific table will be recycled from previous execution...' END IF @Recycle = 0 BEGIN IF @Verbose = 1 PRINT '2. Backing up Foreign Key Definitions...' -- Fetch and persist FKs WHILE (@i <= (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM #FKs)) BEGIN SET @ConstraintName = (SELECT ConstraintName FROM #FKs WHERE ID = @i) SET @TableName = (SELECT TableName FROM #FKs WHERE ID = @i) SET @ColumnName = (SELECT ColumnName FROM #FKs WHERE ID = @i) SET @ReferencedTableName = (SELECT ReferencedTableName FROM #FKs WHERE ID = @i) SET @ReferencedColumnName = (SELECT ReferencedColumnName FROM #FKs WHERE ID = @i) SET @DropStatementTemp = REPLACE(REPLACE(@DropStatement,'<tablename>',@TableName),'<constraintname>',@ConstraintName) SET @CreateStatementTemp = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@CreateStatement,'<tablename>',@TableName),'<column>',@ColumnName),'<constraintname>',@ConstraintName),'<reftable>',@ReferencedTableName),'<refcolumn>',@ReferencedColumnName) SET @TruncateStatementTemp = REPLACE(@TruncateStatement,'<tablename>',@TableName) INSERT INTO [Internal_FK_Definition_Storage] SELECT @ConstraintName, @CreateStatementTemp, @DropStatementTemp, @TruncateStatementTemp SET @i = @i + 1 IF @Verbose = 1 PRINT ' > Backing up [' + @ConstraintName + '] from [' + @TableName + ']' END END ELSE PRINT '2. Backup up was recycled from previous execution...' IF @Verbose = 1 PRINT '3. Dropping Foreign Keys...' -- DROP FOREING KEYS SET @i = 1 WHILE (@i <= (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM [Internal_FK_Definition_Storage])) BEGIN SET @ConstraintName = (SELECT FK_Name FROM [Internal_FK_Definition_Storage] WHERE ID = @i) SET @Statement = (SELECT FK_DestructionStatement FROM [Internal_FK_Definition_Storage] WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE ID = @i) IF @Debug = 1 PRINT @Statement ELSE EXEC(@Statement) SET @i = @i + 1 IF @Verbose = 1 PRINT ' > Dropping [' + @ConstraintName + ']' END IF @Verbose = 1 PRINT '4. Truncating Tables...' -- TRUNCATE TABLES -- SzP: commented out as the tables to be truncated might also contain tables that has foreign keys -- to resolve this the stored procedure should be called recursively, but I dont have the time to do it... /* SET @i = 1 WHILE (@i <= (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM [Internal_FK_Definition_Storage])) BEGIN SET @Statement = (SELECT Table_TruncationStatement FROM [Internal_FK_Definition_Storage] WHERE ID = @i) IF @Debug = 1 PRINT @Statement ELSE EXEC(@Statement) SET @i = @i + 1 IF @Verbose = 1 PRINT ' > ' + @Statement END */ IF @Verbose = 1 PRINT ' > TRUNCATE TABLE [' + @TableToTruncate + ']' IF @Debug = 1 PRINT 'TRUNCATE TABLE [' + @TableToTruncate + ']' ELSE EXEC('TRUNCATE TABLE [' + @TableToTruncate + ']') IF @Verbose = 1 PRINT '5. Re-creating Foreign Keys...' -- CREATE FOREING KEYS SET @i = 1 WHILE (@i <= (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM [Internal_FK_Definition_Storage])) BEGIN SET @ConstraintName = (SELECT FK_Name FROM [Internal_FK_Definition_Storage] WHERE ID = @i) SET @Statement = (SELECT FK_CreationStatement FROM [Internal_FK_Definition_Storage] WHERE ID = @i) IF @Debug = 1 PRINT @Statement ELSE EXEC(@Statement) SET @i = @i + 1 IF @Verbose = 1 PRINT ' > Re-creating [' + @ConstraintName + ']' END IF @Verbose = 1 PRINT '6. Process Completed' END


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