
Showing posts from September, 2024

CoPilot Summary: SQL Server Drivers over Time

Just sticking this here for my own future reference: I asked on 09/11/2024: Wasn't there already an ODBC drive for SQL Server? I'm so confused, lots of drivers have come and gone, and I can't remember their history or which one I should use for which version of SQL Server. CoPilot Responds: I get it, the history of SQL Server drivers can be quite confusing! Here’s a brief overview to help clarify things: ODBC Drivers : SQL Server ODBC Driver : This was the original driver and is still part of Windows Data Access Components, but it’s not recommended for new development 1 . SQL Server Native Client (SNAC) : Introduced with SQL Server 2005, it included both ODBC and OLE DB interfaces. It was used up to SQL Server 2012 1 . Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server : This is the current driver, introduced after SQL Server 2012. It’s updated with the latest features and is recommended for new development 1 . OLE DB Drivers : Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (SQLOLEDB) : Part o