SQL Scales: 2 - T-SQL Programming
Little disciplines to remember when programming T-SQL.
- Structured programming practices:
- Find what varies and encapsulate it
- Keep your procedures small; let each do one thing and do it well
- Favor Clarity over Cleverness
- Clever solutions are being scrapped in IT shops all over the world every day and replaced with less "clever" solutions that are understandable and maintainable.
- Usually Consistent is better than Better. (Sad but true.)
- Simply formatted header comments are maintained; complex formats are not. Example of a simple header:
Note on what the proc does.
exec usp_MyProc
created YYYYMMDD by username
updated YYYYMMDD by username - chg# xxxx: description
- In Reporting queries, prefer #Temp Tables over @Table Variables.
- Table variables are easier to pass around, but the optimizer always assumes there is only one row. For larger temp storage (>100 rows), use #temp tables which produce real statistics.
- Set vs. Select - prefer Set
- Assume @x = "flower"
- "Set @x = (select something)" will set @x = null if (select something) returns nothing
- "Select @x = something" will leave @x = "flower" if (select something) returns nothing
- Common Abbreviations / Naming:
- Amt, Nbr, Pct
- List names should end with "List".
- Solution Tension:
- Do the simplest thing that will work
- Solve the problem fully (don't settle for shallow/lazy/half-baked)
- Avoid Premature Optimization
- If you've got an 80% solution in your head, go with it. Don't wait for the "perfect" idea.
- Remember, future-you will either bless or curse current-you based on what you create today. Let's make future-you happy :^)
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